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Intelligent access control solutions

With a vast experience and a presence in 2008 on the Romanian and European market, ROMDAF is a brand, a proof of quality and serosity. ROMDAF access systems solve problems and maximize the benefits of technological progress.

Control acces

We offer

Quality products and services, business ethics, fair prices, dynamism, perseverance, promptness, seriousness. Respect to be respected.

Hotelier & AIRBNB

The hotel system is designed to be able to automate any accommodation unit: hotel, pension or hotel regime.


It offers the possibility of management and access management, cyclical permit, permanent or with access time and historical interval.

Spa & Gym

Access to the locker room can be made by a bracelet card or numeric code, with the access period according to the rental.


Easy access control with fingerprint, phone, code or card. Quick integration with Google Home and Amazon Alexa. 


You can automate yourself so that technology works for you. The effort is less and the benefits are greater.

Support & Download

From here you can download brochures and catalogs, demos and software, manuals and instructions. 

Do you want a personalized offer?

Please help us with the number of rooms, floors, main doors, car access. Specify whether it is a new construction, redevelopment or functional unit. Existing or new doors? Do you want energy efficiency?

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